Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Galatians 1 Bible Study

In Galatians 1, Paul introduces himself as an apostle appointed by God. In 1 Corinthians 12:7 - 11, every one of us has a gift from God. There are several types of spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit bestow on us including message of wisdom, message of knowledge, gift of faith, gift of healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in different tongues, and interpretation of tongues.

In 1 Peter 4:10 - 11, we should use the spiritual gift we receive from God to serve others. We should use our gifts to serve God in the strength he provides so that his name can be glorified. In Romans 12:6 - 8, whatever gift God gives you, you must use it to serve him. For example, if you are rich, you should generously help the people who are needy. If you have the gift of teaching, you can become a teacher of the word of God. If you have the gift of leadership, you should become a leader and lead diligently. If you have the gift of encouraging people, you should encourage people. If you have the gift of compassion, you should have mercy on people cheerfully.

Jesus Christ was dead after being crucified by the Roman soldiers. However, God raised him from the dead. God loved the people in the world so much that he sent his begotten son, Jesus Christ to come to earth and die for our sins (John 3:16). Jesus Christ died for us while we are still sinners (Romans 5:8). Jesus was righteous and without sin but he was crucified on the cross on behalf of our sins.

Once you have accepted Jesus Christ, your old self is crucified to the cross with him. By crucifying your old self onto the cross, you will no longer obey your sinful fleshly nature (Romans 6:6). Christians must experience a change in their lives after accepting Jesus so that they will become a living testimony. If you really die to your old self and stop sinning, you will be able to have a new life in Christ. The blood of Jesus Christ will wash away your sins and you will be righteous in the eyes of God (1 Peter 2:24).

Paul rebuked the Galatian Christians from deserting away from the gospel of Christ. He said that there are people that preach a different gospel, which confusion in them and become led away from Christ. Paul said that the person who preach a different gospel should be condemned. We must not cause other people to stumble by the message we preach. As servants of God, we must do things that edify others and please God.

If you cause a brother or sister to stumble by the message you preach, you are sinning. In the end time, there will be a lot of false prophets preaching a gospel that deviates away from the word of God in the Bible. Before accepting any gospel, we should examine it to see if it meets the standard of the Bible (1 John 4:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:21; 2 Peter 2:1; Revelations 2:2).

Paul said that the gospel he preached is a revelation from Jesus Christ. Paul originally was a Pharisee who used to persecute the Christians. He was converted after a bright light from heaven shone on him while he was on his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians there. He had obtained letters from the high priest to the synagogues in Damascus.

Paul became blind and couldn't see after seeing the bright light. Later, Ananias laid hand and prayed for him so that he was able to see again. Immediately after that, he started his ministry. He started preaching the gospel in Arabia. After that, he returned to Damascus. Paul went to Jerusalem and stayed with Peter for 15 days after three years. The apostles in Jerusalem thought Paul was the bad person who used to persecute Christians but Barnabas spoke for him to the disciples (Acts 9).

Romans 5 Bible Study

Before accepting Jesus Christ, we are sinful and helpless. Even though we are sinful, God sent his son to become an atonement for our sins by dying on the cross. Without Christ, our eternal destiny will be Hell. Because Christ is willing to die for us on the cross, we can receive salvation and live with him in heaven. Jesus Christ acts as an mediator between men and God. He often intercede on our behalf to the Father God. When we suffer for Jesus, it will help us to build up Christ like character. If we persevere for Jesus to the end, we will surely be rewarded. We must trust in God's promises.

Sin separates us from God because God is holy. Sinners are enemies of God. However, Jesus Christ died for our sins so that we are now at peace with God. Jesus Christ's death is an atonement of sin for the people around the world including the Jews and Gentiles. If Jesus Christ did not die for us, we will not have access to the grace of God. After you have accepted Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will work and carry out changes in you so that all your bad habits will be removed. When Jesus Christ come for a second time to the earth, we will be able to see his glory in the heaven.

Christ's death is a plan for God. The death of Christ is already predicted in the Old Testament by many prophets. He died at the right time set by God. Everything that happen is part of God's plan. Jesus Christ did not die for the good people but he died for the ungodly. There is nothing worthy about us when we are sinners that brought God's attention. Christ did not die for us after we have changed our sinful ways, but while we are still sinners. To the foolish, the message of gospel is foolishness. To the saved, the message of the gospel if the power of God. Anyone who did not repent will experience God's wrath. The barrier of sin that separates us between God and men will be eliminated once we are reconciled to God through putting faith in Christ.

Adam is the person responsible for bringing sin into mankind. He ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge Between Good and Evil and sinned against God. From that time onward, sin is in the genes of men. The wages of sin is death. Adam was made to become immortal but his life was cut short through death because he sinned. There is judgment and condemnation because of the sin of Adam. The disobedience of Adam causes us to become sinners. We are not saved because of good works but we are saved because Christ offers his life and blood for us on the cross.

Adam's sin is credited to the whole population of mankind while Christ's righteousness is credited to anyone who believes in him. Adam is like Christ because he is the head of a race of human. In addition, the action of Adam had consequence on the whole human race. Paul is making a contrast between the disobedience of Adam and the obedience of Christ. Jesus Christ's death removed the effect caused by Adam's sin. Through Christ's death, we can receive, the gift of righteousness, which is justification from sin.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Confirmation of the Spirit's Leading

We've all heard the term, "when the 'planets/stars are in alignment', the time will be right," and, whilst it's a secular view, there is a time for everything; when everything seems right:

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven... " ~Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NRSV)

One such time in my life, when God seemed to be saying, "Now is the right time to do this thing," there was a definite discernible feel that God had prepared the way. Suddenly there were no barriers, where previously there were plenty of barriers. People who could have gotten in the way, gracefully allowed the passage of God's will to unfold. This was the season of courting my wife. We both sensed God's leading - the confirmation of the Spirit's sponsorship in preparing the way.

It is a wonderful reality being in the lap of God's will. The mindful Christian will never want to be anywhere else.


We are probably more adept at getting the timing wrong in our lives than being swept off our feet at the answer of our prayers. Prayer is seen to be answered in our favour less than we would like. This is obviously because our flesh is in the way.

But when we are consciously seeking to be in the lap of God's will most of the things we want will become secondary. This has to be done by intention; to surrender those things that get in the way of discerning the Spirit's actual leading. Sometimes we hear many 'voices'; it's good to be clear regarding the Spirit's leading. The Spirit's leading is confirmed not in just one or two ways, but in many ways; too many ways to ignore.

Knowing and accepting the timing of things is part of the mystery of maturity.

When we come to a place of knowing and accepting the timing of things we experience more joy, because most, if not all, our prayers are being answered. Indeed, our hopes, dreams, and plans tend more to conform to the pattern of God's needs for our lives.

So, two things merge. First, there is the fitting of our expectations to our circumstances and, second, later on, there is the fitting of our circumstances to our expectations. When we can adjust to our circumstances, and live happily that way, we are ready for the new thing. But that doesn't mean God will necessarily bless us there and then.

It is truly wonderful, and this is where God is real to us, when there is a persuasive confirmation - an incredible number of 'coincidences', alignments, and complementary strategies - of the Spirit's undertaking as he works in and through us for his Kingdom.


One thing we ought to pray for, continually, is confirmation of the Spirit's leading. This requires discernment. It's the quality of seeking the knowledge of God's will for our lives, right now. There is no better reality than being in the lap of God's will.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Trumping Tests, Trials and Temptations

"For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried." ~Psalm 66:10 (NRSV)

Tests, trials, and temptations are the opportunities we need that prove our mettle. We cannot find evidence for transformation unless we've experienced it. We need opportunities to trump our tests, trials, and temptations. And even if we fail our tests, are overwhelmed by our trials, or are weakened into submitting to our temptations, we have hope in the next opportunity, and the next, and so on. God is faithful; he will give us more opportunities in order to grow.

Such are tests, trials, and temptations: the stimulus for triumph. But this is not triumphalism for its own accord. No, God is turning what would be disaster into possible victory because of the example of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

So we come from a situation of loathing our tests, trials, and temptations and we move - or better, are transformed - into an attitudinal situation where we see these three as initiatory spurs; compelling, propelling, and impelling us toward the very purposes of life: to overcome.


Challenges and tests are the defining of me, They purpose and prophesy who I'm to be, When I see them this way I'm beautifully blessed, Because they are God's ammunition bringing out my best.

I can tell this is true when I've finished the task, When I can again take off my mask, Because there are times when I must ascend, When I am called to faithfully contend.

And God's reward is insistently true, That I in my obedience will pull through, For the taste of blessing is never better than this, Where I am again afforded consummate bliss.


The poem attests to the fact that challenges and tests tend to define us - how we receive them and work through them. They are God's crucible in which our characters are refined, as we are tried like silver. We are blessed to see life like this in the midst of challenges and tests. By being tried and found true our best is brought out so we can see it. God needs no convincing; he knows we can trump our tests, trials, and temptations, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

As we finish the task - which is getting through the challenging time - we can afford to take off the mask of patient-with-ourselves-and-grateful-to-God stoicism that saw us through. By this stoicism of good faith we ascend the rawness of our problems in the realisation of hope. We are called to faithfully contend in patience and gratitude.

God's reward is ever true. As we continue to obey we are steadily drawn toward pulling through. There is hardly a more blissful moment than having trumped the test, trial, or temptation.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Sickness Is Punishment From God?

These last few days have been hell... or so my frail body led me to believe. I don't remember a time when I was more sick, had a higher fever, or committed my soul over to the Lord more times. More than two days were spent in bed, curled up in the fetal position, shivering, fading in and out of consciousness, yet never crossing the brink into blissful ignorance. I did not sleep a wink; for two whole nights the seconds would drag on, after seemingly tossing and turning for hours I would look at the clock to see that only one minute had passed. It was an eternity of agony. In that time I even forgot how to swallow, due to the excruciating pain of my superfluously swollen glands. a few bottles of prescription/OTC medication later, I am still alive. Thank God.

I am sick way too often. (Though never like this.)

Some people like to point that out to me. They say I clearly am a worse sinner than the average Joe (or apparently child too, since they are sick the most.) The theory is that I must have some crazy secret sins tucked away in the closet. I must be offending God more than the healthy people and He is punishing me out of wrath.

So is He?

Does God punish people for sin with sickness?

A lot of people would say "yes He does," and quickly bring up anecdotal evidence of some "sinner" that "got what he deserved." This is, of course, never examined against the millions of little Hitlers in full health while countless numbers of children die from sickness.

Lord have mercy on us for our silly beliefs.

Sickness is a result of sin, that is true. All disease, pain, afflictions, sorrows, and such entered the world due to sin. Everything bad around us is the result of sin. Your sin, my sin, our sin, their sin, Adams sin. Yet that does not translate into punishment, especially when Gods children are concerned. Pain and sickness is the opposite of punishment!

On a global level, it is the merciful plea of a righteous God, it is the wake up call to a world dying in sin. A call that says: repent, believe, and be saved!

On a personal level, it is the refinement of an individual. Its is Gods loving hand working in His child for the good of His child.

Some suffer more, some less. I cannot explain why, only God can know. I dare not presume that means there is more refinement needed in that person, because only One can know that. He permits it for His plans, to test some like Job, to draw others unto Himself; maybe sometimes to teach us or lovingly chastise us. We are His sheep and He our Shepherd.

I am not saying that I am better or worse, that I am an undeserving Job, or that I have sin in my life. Truth be told its probably a little of everything.

I don't understand exactly why God inflicted this upon me and maybe I never will. I'm not really sure what I need to do or learn, expect to have patience and trust. I repent and commit myself into His hand.

I know one day, when we shall see and know as we ought, I will fall at His pierced feet and thank Him for these last few days.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

Isaiah 33 - Deliverance Will Come!

"Your eyes will see the king in his beauty; they will behold a land that stretches far away." ~Isaiah 33:17 (NRSV)

Such is the promise for the people of God from the LORD their God - they will see their king in all his radiant beauty. They will see their king - we call him Jesus - because they are obedient in turning to God in harsh times.


This prophecy in Isaiah foretold of a time unspeakable, where the land of the people of God would be swept away by violence. The land was part of the identity of the people of God, and they had lost it. In our time and society we must think of how it would feel to have our country, or our world, invaded and oppressed by a malevolent foreign ruler.

This prophesy speaks of a time where a heinous and devouring destroyer would come against them. But as with all the stories, when the people of God turn to God their deliverance comes nearer... indeed, the Prophet foretells of the time when the destroyer will be destroyed:

"... when you have stopped dealing treacherously, you will be dealt with treacherously." ~Isaiah 33:1e, f (NRSV)

Such is our hope - that whatever oppression we deal with, as we obey God, praying for our deliverance, we will be delivered at the right time, because the destroyer is destroyed.

There is a promise in Isaiah 33 that the people of God, having turned back to God, would see the LORD'S judgment; that the defiance of the evil ruler will come to naught. They will become a fire that consumes themselves (verse 11).

In verse 15, God Almighty speaks of the sort of person who will be raised: they will walk righteously and speak uprightly; they will despise the gain of oppression; they will waive bribes instead of accepting them; their ears and eyes will turn away from bloodshed and evil.


"For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our ruler, the LORD is our king; he will save us." ~Isaiah 33:25 (NRSV)

This is our hope today. That we would call upon the LORD in his faithfulness to deliver us from whatever devours just now. That devouring situational monster that has caused us suffering - no matter how long we have been oppressed - is to be vanquished, for the LORD will save us.

Turning home for hope in the obedience that God calls us to is about recognising that in our weakness is our strength. Our rigging may hang loose (verse 23), but, in being forgiven our iniquities, God will save us from the tyranny that has been, or is, set against us.


The beauty in God's judgment is that it prevails for the obedient oppressed. By our oppression our weakness is our strength. Wait and see; see what the LORD is doing, yes even now. The LORD is coming with a mighty vengeance.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

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